Kamis, 11 Maret 2010


Go through your wall posts and list the last 21 people to post on your wall. DON'T YOU EVER CHEAT. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then answer the 42 questions pertaining to the 21 names. When you're finished, tag all 21 people on the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note and follow the directions above!

1.Mario stevano haling
2.Ode alfara Damierza
3.Hilman Fadhli supriadi
4.Siti hamidah
5.Raynald Prasetya
6.Ayu Ananta
7.Fatiha hansa
8.Gabriel damanik
9.Prasha Rizky

10.Ahmad fauzi adriansyah
11.Pramanty Priscikadilla
12.Deela Ayoe Aprilyani
13.Kalista Krisdatama
14.Maghfira Izzania
15.Muhammad Dimas Wibisono
16.Sarah Ayu Aulia Rahma
17.Mutia Nur Tahany
18.Firstya Rifka
19.Arnintya Amara Prameswari
20.Rosdiana Amelia
21.M.Rafi prakoso
1. How did you meet 1?
belom pernah ketemu kan ? hoho

2. What would you do if you never met 14?
huhu she is my very-very best schoolmate

3. Would you date 20?
hem gue masih normal kok

4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?
ktmu aja kaga prnah

5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
Enggak! masa Hilman ama kalis?

6. Describe 9:

7. Do you like 16?
mayan :)

8. Do you think 6 is attractive?

9. When was the last time you talked to 19?
udah lama huhu i miss ara

10. Would you ever date 7?
ngaco hahaa

11. Where does 15 live?
taudeh cibubur kaleee

12. Do you love number 1?

13. What would you like to tell 18 right now?
eh make bahasa yang bener ! wkwk

14. What is the best thing about 10?
baik :), suaranya bagus , gak sombong

15. Have you ever kissed 11?

16. What's the best memory you have of 3?
berantem mulu.. wkwk

17. When is the next time you are going to see 12?
dunno , paling bentar lg dia maen keruma gue .. haha

18. Is 15 pretty?
dia cwo kan ya ?

19. What was your first impression of 4?
midah.. tabah ya

20. Is 13 your best friend?

21. Have you seen 16 in the last month?
enggak prnh ktm

22. When was the last time you saw 14?
barusan .. wkwk

23. Have you been to 21's house?
enggak tau

24. When is the next time you'll see 10?

25. Are you really close to 1?
Maunya sih gitu hahaha

26. Would you give 6 a hug?

27. Have you ever been to 17's house?
blon prnaaah huhu

28. Do you know a secret about 5?
dia suka sama gue (?)

29. Describe the relationship between 14 and 19.
tidak saling kenal .. hoho

30. What's your friendship like with 8?
dunno ahah friendship? dia nganggepkah ?! LOL

31. Have you ever danced with 18?

32. How do you know 21?

34. Have you ever wanted to punch 5 in the face?
enggak , entar muka imutnya rusak ya ray ? haha

35. Has 11 ever met your mother?

36. Have you traveled anywhere with 12?

37. If you gave 7 $100 what would he / she spend it on?
taudah hahah

38. What's your best memory of 2?

39. What is the one thing you want 8 to know?
I L**E him

40. What is the last thing you did with 15?

41. Where did you meet 20?
dia tetangga gua

42. What do you wish for 9?
enggak tau

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